Operations Manager

Born and raised in Brazil, Robson grew up assisting his family with the operations of their hotel and restaurant businesses, learning the intricacies of hospitality, transportation, operations, and logistics. A polyglot who has been in New York for over 20 years, Robson has worked on many high-profile catering events, utilizing his background in planning, project management and his knowledge of international foods and ingredients. At MGCE, he literally keeps things moving to ensure our staff has everything we need to get the job done!

In his own words:

Biggest celebrity I ever planned an event for…

You can always count on me to be…
The DADDY- a reputation earned over the years for always pitching in and making sure everyone is set up for success

When I’m not producing my next event, I’ll most likely be…
calling my close friends to come over for drinks and food at my house! Party 24/7!